Save Earth Tips

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The Earth is in danger. Want to save the world? Do not have to necessarily have to do Superman. There are many simple things you can do to save the earth. For example, you can recycle aluminum can begin.

Here is a simple list of other things you can do that to save the Earth.

1) Look around your house to save energy. For example, close the windows and doors. It keeps your airAir conditioning inside. If you find a leak, fix the problem. the cleaning of your heating and air conditioning filter monthly, you can use the money and the environment. You can enter up to ten per cent on electricity bills. It is also good for health.

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Your part to save Mother Earth

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As human beings we have to make some decisions fast when we want to ensure our future. We all have basic needs and the needs are for food, clothing and shelter. The truth is that we can not allow our desire for economic growth to make us overlook the fact that global warming is a reality. It 'important that we stop before destroying ourselves.

Global warming is not new

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Save Mother Earth – Get Rich

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"Old gardeners never die, just go to seed" – Anonymous. I like it because it is near, always a good time to start. All the flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of today and become a better person to do more, more, what will become richer, with more and so, while remaining humble, grateful and generous you are, in fact you do something for your loved ones and the world as a whole.

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The effect of bag for the death of wildlife

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Doing something as simple as using reusable shopping bags can save the earth wildlife. A devastating series of turtles, birds, whales and other animals each year through plastic bags with jellyfish, as confused killed for food. Once a plastic bag is taken up with an animal that can not digested, so it is in line with the animal, preventing the digestion of others and therefore very painful and slow death to be.

A plastic bag can literally take 1000 years agobreaks so after an animal through the consumption of plastic and its decay of the body dies, the plastic is left behind and can be absorbed by another animal.

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Information on solar and wind turbines

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If you've read on alternative energy and ways to save the planet from death, you've probably encountered problems, and discussions and the solar wind. If you think it is impossible for this alternative energy source to power to run our home, you can wrong. Here's an article on how to use them and what they really are.

What are alternative energies?

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Save the Planet – Let's Go Green

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Global warming is happening … and getting worse every day. If we have this problem ourselves, and do not take drastic measures to save the most precious gifts of the earth is our environment may be lost forever. Want to help? Here are some useful ways to reduce its own carbon footprint on the earth!

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How to protect the environment and save money

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You do not know how to save money and protect the tons of earth in the meantime? I know, not things you are a person who cares for those who care about the environment, global warming and all, but I do not think anyone wants to save money. So if you're not a millionaire yet, and would like some small change to your favorite things-spend, you read about.

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Drowning Earth – Global Warming Update

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Now a days the economic crisis news has consumed everyone thinks capacity. Every day people are starting on other aspects should also be affected to forget the economy. One such aspect is ignored as global warming. While more and more people are concerned about global warming, there are very few who really take it seriously and take "green" measures. A good example of this controversial topic is my street where I liveCalifornia.

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Salt of the Earth

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"You are the salt of the earth, the salt is lost, its flavor, how can it be her? Salinity if restored, but it is good for nothing, but is thrown out and trampled with."

This verse from Matthew (and Mark and Luke) on "the salt of the earth" is often quoted and understood Christ to indicate the qualities expected of this obligation. Christians are the desire of the earth, which are intrinsically involved in the work> Earth, helping others to find the love of Christ and members of his family.

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To save the monster module called black soil carbon dioxide

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Today sun playing cat and dog. Therefore, the atmosphere is not so good and is not in favor of Ahmedabad. This is due to global warming and this leads to pollution in the city. We use only the resources of the earth and we are careless about safety and the conservative policies of the developed world. We must take positive action for the environment green and good. The initiative of the G8 is the first step to assume that the entire action plan to fight the testagainst global warming. This helps the earth and its creatures in their habitat.

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