Tag Archives: Fascists

Eco-Fascists, Utopia, and the destruction of the modern world

Global warming and climate change are two of the most dangerous and deceptive actions in history. Supporters of the fact of climate change-man scream that Marxist solutions to the goddess of the earth to save the required fields. The eco-fascists, like all fascist utopia called for the immediate destruction of the unheroic, selfish, self-centered worship to appease the modern world – in this case to save 'Our Earth Goddess. "Brave new world of Al Gore's eco-MarxistThe imagination would raise taxes, destroy the industry, shrinking markets and the increasing poverty in the Third World. This is the kind of society we want to live? If you are as mentally unstable, as it lifted off its hinges and support the fanatics that Hitlerism and communism – all in the name of a "brave new utopia", which would replace 'decadent liberalism'.

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