Tag Archives: Raw Materials

Your part to save Mother Earth

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As human beings we have to make some decisions fast when we want to ensure our future. We all have basic needs and the needs are for food, clothing and shelter. The truth is that we can not allow our desire for economic growth to make us overlook the fact that global warming is a reality. It 'important that we stop before destroying ourselves.

Global warming is not new

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Homemade solar panel – can save a lot of money?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Towards a greener planet

Today is "green living" is becoming increasingly popular, as the condition of our Mother Earth is getting worse. The people around us are energy in search of a better way to help to save money to maintain and protect the environment. So the people in view of solar energy as alternative energy source.

Earth receives a total 174000000000000000 watts of solar energy from solar radiation at the topAtmosphere. As glass was used to enlarge, people have tried to use this free energy.

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